Thursday 29 March 2012

Question replies from Steven...

  1.     1. What is your design history?
I have designed a lot of things, including kitchens, a house, and some of the art I make.  The big pieces have to be somewhat  designed - a sketch with a plan and a budget -  so that the people commissioning it will have some idea of what they are getting. And when on site, it is hard to improvise too much.  However, if one sticks to the "plan" too much, many happy accidents will be missed.  I my studio work, I prefer NOT to design anything and set up a method where improvisation and accidents lead to evolution of 
form.  Eaiser done when working alone.

  1. 4. What inspires you to create sculptures?
This I can not answer easily.  I think if you read some of the articles on my website, or google me, you will see that I am  interested in landscape and biology.  What you may not find is the fact that my greatest interest is aesthetics.  It has to look "good", and I have to have a need to see something when I go to work in the morning.  It is about seeing, not ideas.  Think of all the ideas as a parallel universe.  An important one for a good artist, or well rounded citizen to have, but not the foundation for making art.

    3. How do you consider sustainable when you design?
I don't!  I use a lot of humble, cheap materials that are pre or post consumer, but I use them for their visceral appeal more than for what they may stand for.

    4.Describe your work in three words?




describe your work!  You may use never, never, never.  Let someone else describe your work.  Just make it. (there, that is three words.)

I hope the is of some use to you.


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