Saturday 5 May 2012

Pricing and how it changes things...

After researching into magazine printers I found this really good website called Mixam. Which sells one off magazines which is a rare thing for a printing company. I first typed in 100 pages and every other feature I wanted and it came up with £30 and i was pleasantly shocked. But then noticed the layout was wrong, I hadn’t changed it to landscape but didn't think much of it but once I changed it and saw there was almost a 400 pound difference, I was unpleasantly shocked. First I thought I would phone up the company and see if the information was correct, and after phoning I found out it was correct and the difference was true. This through a huge spanner into my work as the idea of a landscape magazine was the quirky new twist I wanted and liked, but if I want to print it professionally I cant afford that price just for one when one magazine portrait is £30 which means I could then afford more copies meaning i will have to change all the landscape articles I have done already to portrait. Even though earlier on in my project I said a landscape layout would make my magazine, different more creative and fun the price difference is just to much and it will be my challenge to create a portrait magazine which fits my criteria (fun, creative and artistic appealing to a younger audience) and catches peoples eyes over the other popular fashion portrait magazine.  Also it would be more economical as I could sell my extra copies to receive some of my money back turning my project into a business plan.

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